Dwarf Planets – What is a Dwarf Planet?

Dwarf planets are celestial bodies that orbit the Sun and are spherical but have not cleared their orbits of other debris.

Established by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in 2006, a dwarf planet fulfills three key criteria:

Orbits the Sun: Like planets, dwarf planets travel around the Sun in an elliptical path.

Nearly Round: Possessing sufficient gravity to overcome their rigid body forces, they achieve a hydrostatic equilibrium shape, roughly spherical or ellipsoidal.

Not Cleared the Neighborhood: Unlike planets, dwarf planets haven’t cleared the vicinity of their orbit of other objects of comparable size. They often share their orbital space with asteroids, comets, or other dwarf planets.

These criteria distinguish dwarf planets from planets like Earth, Jupiter, and Mars, which hold exclusive sway in their orbital territories.

What is the Key Distinction Between Planets and Dwarf Planets?

The key distinction between planets and dwarf planets lies in their ability to clear their orbits. Planets, through their gravitational influence, become the dominant objects in their orbital neighborhoods, pushing away or incorporating smaller bodies. Dwarf planets, however, haven’t achieved this dominance and share their orbital space with other celestial objects.

What is the Life Cycle of Dwarf Planets?

Our current understanding suggests that dwarf planets, like planets, likely form from the same protoplanetary disk of gas and dust surrounding a young star. Over millions of years, gravitational forces cause particles to collide and clump together, eventually creating protoplanets.

However, unlike planets, dwarf planets may not experience the same growth spurts due to various factors such as interactions with other celestial bodies or the presence of limited building materials in their formation zone.

What is the Composition of Dwarf Planets?

Dwarf planets exhibit a diverse range of compositions. Icy materials like water ice, ammonia ice, and methane ice are common constituents. Some dwarf planets, like Ceres, also show evidence of rocky materials and potentially even a subsurface ocean.

Additionally, the presence of organic compounds has been detected on the surface of dwarf planets like Makemake, hinting at the possibility of prebiotic chemistry. The specific composition of a dwarf planet depends on the materials available in its formation zone and the conditions during its early stages.

What is the Structure of Dwarf Planets?

Some dwarf planets may possess a layered structure similar to terrestrial planets. This could involve:

Core: At the center might lie a dense core, potentially composed of iron and nickel-rich materials. However, the size and composition of the core could vary depending on the dwarf planet’s formation history.

Mantle: Surrounding the core, a mantle of rock or icy materials could exist. The composition of the mantle would depend on the materials available during the dwarf planet’s formation.

Crust: The outermost layer might be a thin crust, potentially composed of rock, ice, or a combination of both. Observations of surface features on some dwarf planets provide clues about the composition of their crusts.

Not all dwarf planets may follow this layered structure. Some might be more homogenous icy bodies, with a significant portion of their mass composed of water ice, ammonia ice, and other ices. The presence of internal differentiation (separation into distinct layers) likely depends on factors like the dwarf planet’s size, formation history, and internal heat sources.

Data from missions like NASA‘s Dawn spacecraft, which explored Ceres, has provided valuable insights into the possible internal structure of dwarf planets. Gravity measurements suggest that Ceres may have a differentiated interior with a rocky core and an icy mantle. However, further exploration is needed to confirm these models definitively.

What are the Examples of Dwarf Planets?

Our solar system currently has five officially recognized dwarf planets, Pluto, Eris, Haumea, Makemake, and Ceres, while Hygiea is still under debate. Each Dwarf Planet has its unique characteristics:


Discovered in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh, Pluto was once considered the ninth planet in our solar system until its reclassification as a dwarf planet in 2006. Pluto is located in the Kuiper Belt, a region beyond Neptune. Pluto has a complex system of moons, with its largest moon, Charon, being particularly notable.

Pluto’s average distance from the Sun is approximately 5.9 billion kilometers (3.67 billion miles). Its distance from Earth varies due to the elliptical nature of its orbit around the Sun.

At its closest approach (perihelion), Pluto can be about 4.28 billion kilometers (2.66 billion miles) away from Earth, while at its farthest point (aphelion), it can be about 7.38 billion kilometers (4.59 billion miles) away. On average, Pluto is approximately 5.9 billion kilometers (3.67 billion miles) from Earth.

Pluto’s Radius: 1185 km (736 miles)

Pluto’s Diameter: 2376 km (1472 miles)

Pluto’s Circumference: 7535 km (4682 miles) (calculated based on diameter assuming Pluto is roughly spherical)

Pluto’s Mass: 1.66 x 10^23 kg (approximately 0.002 Earths)

Pluto’s Density: 2.03 g/cm³ (less dense than Earth, indicating a significant amount of ice within its composition)

Pluto’s Surface temperature: -240°C to -180°C (-400°F to -292°F) (extremely cold due to its distance from the Sun)

Pluto’s Composition: Primarily composed of rock and ice (thought to be a mixture of water ice, methane ice, and nitrogen ice). Surface features rich in nitrogen ice, methane ice, and various organic compounds like tholins (hints at a complex chemical history)

Pluto’s Structure: Likely possesses a layered internal structure, core possibly composed of rock and metal, icy mantle possibly consisting of water ice and other ices, and thin crust likely composed of frozen nitrogen, methane, and other ices.

Pluto’s Surface: Bright, icy plains like Sputnik Planum (thought to be composed of frozen nitrogen). Darker, mountainous regions like the Clines (possibly composed of water ice, and rock). Heart-shaped feature informally named Clyde Tombaugh Regio (likely a result of surface flows of nitrogen ice).

Pluto’s Discovery: Pluto was discovered in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh, a young American astronomer searching for objects beyond Neptune. The discovery sparked debate for decades about Pluto’s status as a planet, culminating in its reclassification as a dwarf planet in 2006 by the International Astronomical Union (IAU).


Eris is one of the largest known dwarf planets and was discovered in 2005 by a team led by Mike Brown. Its discovery resulted in the reclassification of Pluto. Eris is located in the scattered disc, a distant region of the solar system, and is known for its highly eccentric orbit.

Eris has an average distance from the Sun of approximately 10.1 billion kilometers (6.3 billion miles). Its distance from Earth varies as both Eris and Earth orbit the Sun on elliptical paths. At its closest approach, Eris can be around 5.7 billion kilometers (3.5 billion miles) away from Earth, while at its farthest, it can be as distant as 14.6 billion kilometers (9.1 billion miles).

Eris’ Radius: 1,470 kilometers (913 miles)

Eris’ Diameter: 2,940 kilometers (1,827 miles) – Eris is slightly larger than Pluto in diameter.

Eris’ Circumference: 9,210 kilometers (5,722 miles)

Eris’ Mass: 1.66 x 10^22 kilograms (This is about 27% the mass of Pluto and roughly one-thousandth the mass of Earth)

Eris’ Density: 2.5 grams per cubic centimeter (This density is lower than Earth’s, suggesting a mostly icy composition)

Eris’ Temperature: Surface temperatures on Eris are estimated to be around -240°C (-400°F) due to its extreme distance from the Sun.

Eris’ Atmosphere: A tenuous atmosphere of methane gas is theorized to exist around Eris.

Eris’ Composition: Eris’s surface composition is likely a mix of icy materials like methane ice, nitrogen ice, and water ice, along with some darker organic materials.

Eris’ Structure: The internal structure of Eris remains uncertain. However, based on its density, scientists suspect it might have a differentiated interior with a rocky core and an icy mantle.

Eris’ Surface: Observations suggest a varied surface with reflective icy areas and darker reddish regions. More detailed analysis of the surface composition awaits future exploration missions.

Eris’ Discovery: Eris was discovered in 2005 by a team led by American astronomer Mike Brown. Its discovery, along with its large size, led to the establishment of the dwarf planet category by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in 2006.


Haumea was discovered in 2004 by a team led by José Luis Ortiz Moreno. It is notable for its elongated shape, likely due to its rapid rotation. Haumea is located in the Kuiper Belt and has two known moons, Hi’iaka and Namaka.

Haumea’s average distance from the Sun is approximately 43.1 astronomical units (AU). One astronomical unit (AU) is the average distance from the Earth to the Sun, which is about 93 million miles (150 million kilometers). Therefore, Haumea is, on average, about 43.1 times farther from the Sun than Earth.

As for its average distance from Earth, this can vary depending on the positions of both Earth and Haumea in their respective orbits around the Sun. At its closest approach, Haumea can be approximately 35.8 AU from Earth, while at its farthest, it can be around 51.3 AU away. These distances fluctuate due to the elliptical shape of the orbits of both Earth and Haumea.

Haumea’s Radius: Around 1,400 kilometers (870 miles) at its equator and 600 kilometers (370 miles) at its poles (assuming an ellipsoidal shape).

Haumea’s Diameter: 2,800 kilometers (1,740 miles) along its equator and 1,200 kilometers (750 miles) pole-to-pole.

Haumea’s Circumference: Roughly 8,800 kilometers (5,500 miles) around the equator. This is calculated using the formula for an ellipse’s circumference.

Haumea’s Mass: Approximately (4.2 ± 0.1) x 10^21 kilograms. This is roughly one-third the mass of Pluto.

Haumea’s Density: Around 2.6 grams per cubic centimeter. This density value suggests a composition that’s likely a mix of rock and ice.

Haumea’s Temperature: Estimates suggest surface temperatures on Haumea range from -223°C (-370°F) to -193°C (-316°F).

Haumea’s Atmosphere: Haumea likely possesses a very thin atmosphere, possibly composed of water vapor that escapes from the icy surface.

Haumea’s Composition: Haumea’s composition is believed to be a mixture of rock and ice, with a significant amount of ice on its surface. The presence of water ice is inferred from spectroscopic observations.

Haumea’s Structure: Due to its rapid spin, Haumea is thought to be in a state called hydrostatic equilibrium, where the centrifugal force balances its gravity, causing the elongated shape. The internal structure remains unclear, but it might be differentiated (having a core and mantle) or more homogenous.

Haumea’s Surface: Haumea’s surface is believed to be covered in crystalline ice, and spectroscopic observations suggest the presence of organic materials. Recent studies also hint at the possibility of brighter patches on the surface, which could be different types of ice or areas with less organic material.

Haumea’s Discovery: In 2004, a team led by Spanish astronomer José Luis Ortiz discovered a faint, rapidly moving object they initially designated 2004 TX33. However, shortly after, another team led by Mike Brown from the California Institute of Technology independently observed the same object.

Due to complex astronomical naming rules and some controversy, the dwarf planet was eventually named Haumea, after the Hawaiian goddess of childbirth and creation.


Makemake was discovered in 2005 by a team led by Mike Brown. It is located in the Kuiper Belt and is one of the largest objects in this region. Makemake’s surface is predominantly composed of frozen methane, giving it a reddish-brown coloration.

Makemake orbits the Sun at an average distance of approximately 6.8 billion kilometers (4.25 billion miles). Its distance from Earth varies depending on their respective positions in their orbits around the Sun.

At its closest approach to Earth, Makemake can be approximately 5.8 billion kilometers (3.6 billion miles) away. However, at its farthest point from Earth, it can be as distant as around 7.8 billion kilometers (4.8 billion miles). These distances may vary slightly due to the elliptical nature of Makemake’s orbit and Earth’s orbit.

Makemake’s Radius: 715 km (444 miles)

Makemake’s Diameter: 1430 km (889 miles) (calculated using radius x 2)

Makemake’s Circumference: 4500 km (2800 miles) (calculated using diameter x pi)

Makemake’s Mass: (1.6 ± 0.2) × 10^21 kg (This is roughly one-sixth the mass of Pluto)

Makemake’s Volume: (1.7 ± 0.3) × 10^19 cubic km (calculated using the formula for the volume of a sphere: (4/3)πr³)

Makemake’s Temperature: Surface temperatures are estimated to be around -243°C (-405°F) on the day side and even colder on the night side.

Makemake’s Composition: The surface of Makemake appears to be composed primarily of nitrogen ice, methane ice, and ethane ice. However, the presence of a reddish, organic-rich material across its surface makes its composition an ongoing mystery. Scientists are eager to learn more about the origins and nature of these organic compounds.

Makemake’s Structure: Due to the lack of data about Makemake’s internal structure, scientists haven’t reached a definitive conclusion. However, some possibilities include a differentiated interior with a rocky core overlain by an icy mantle. A more homogenous icy body throughout. Further exploration is needed to determine the structure definitively.

Makemake’s Surface: Observations suggest a relatively smooth surface with some dark and bright areas. The reddish organic material likely coats a significant portion of the surface. Mountains or large craters haven’t been detected so far, but more detailed observations may reveal additional features.

Discovery: Makemake was discovered in 2005 by a team led by American astronomer Mike Brown. The discovery, along with Eris, led to the establishment of the dwarf planet category by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in 2006.


Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and was the first dwarf planet to be discovered. It was originally classified as an asteroid but was reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006. Ceres is of particular interest to scientists due to its potential for harboring water ice beneath its surface.

Ceres has an average distance from the Sun of approximately 414 million kilometers (257 million miles). Its average distance from Earth varies depending on their respective positions in their orbits around the Sun.

At its closest approach, Ceres can be about 383 million kilometers (238 million miles) away from Earth, while at its farthest, it can be about 414 million kilometers (257 million miles) away.

Ceres’ Radius: Approximately 470 kilometers (292 miles)

Ceres’ Diameter: Around 940 kilometers (584 miles)

Ceres’ Circumference: Roughly 2,930 kilometers (1,820 miles), calculated using the diameter (circumference = pi x diameter)

Ceres’ Mass: 9.4 x 10^20 kilograms (about 1/33rd the mass of Earth’s moon)

Ceres’ Volume: 4.2 x 10^20 cubic kilometers (roughly the volume of Texas)

Ceres’ Temperature: Surface temperatures on Ceres vary greatly depending on the presence or absence of sunlight. In direct sunlight, temperatures can reach around -33°C (-27°F), while in shadowed areas, they can plummet to -143°C (-225°F).

Ceres’ Composition: Ceres is primarily composed of rock and ice, with water ice thought to be a significant component. Evidence suggests the presence of a briny subsurface ocean. Additionally, spectroscopic analysis reveals the presence of various minerals like clays and carbonates on the surface.

Ceres’ Structure: Data from the Dawn mission suggests that Ceres may possess a differentiated interior, similar to some terrestrial planets. This could involve a rocky core, an icy mantle, and a thin outer crust. However, more research is needed to confirm this model definitively.

Ceres’ Surface: Ceres boasts a varied and fascinating surface. The Dawn mission captured stunning images of craters, bright spots hinting at brines, and even a towering mountain, Ahuna Mons, the tallest mountain in the solar system outside of planets like Earth and Mars.

Ceres’ Discovery: Giuseppe Piazzi, an Italian astronomer, serendipitously discovered Ceres on January 1, 1801. Initially mistaken for a comet due to its movement, its classification was debated for decades.

With the discovery of other similar objects in the asteroid belt, the term “dwarf planet” was established by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in 2006, finally solidifying Ceres’s place as a distinct celestial body.

What is the Stars’ Influence on Dwarf Planets?

The gravitational pull of the star influences the dwarf planet’s orbit and stability. Additionally, stellar radiation can affect the surface conditions and potentially drive internal activity within the dwarf planet.

The influence of the star on a dwarf planet can vary depending on its distance from the star. Dwarf planets closer to the Sun, like Ceres, may experience more significant effects on their surfaces due to increased radiation exposure. This could lead to processes like sublimation (ice turning directly into gas) and surface erosion.

For dwarf planets further out, like those in the Kuiper Belt beyond Neptune, the influence of the star’s radiation diminishes. However, the star’s gravitational pull still plays a role in shaping their orbits and influencing their interactions with other objects in the Kuiper Belt.

What is Dwarf Planets’ Influence on Celestial Bodies?

Dwarf planets, despite not clearing their orbits, can exert a gravitational influence on other celestial bodies in their vicinity. This influence can be seen in the following ways:


Some dwarf planets may act as shepherds, influencing the orbits of smaller objects like moons or asteroids within their orbital zone.


Dwarf planets can collide with other objects, leading to the formation of smaller bodies or impacting the evolution of existing ones.

Dust and Gas Disks:

The presence of a dwarf planet can influence the distribution of dust and gas in its surrounding region.

Difference between Dwarf Planets and Planets:

Dwarf Planets Vs. Planets

FeatureDwarf PlanetsPlanets
DefinitionAccording to the International Astronomical Union (IAU): Celestial bodies that orbit the Sun, are round due to their own gravity, but haven’t cleared the neighborhood around their orbit (meaning they share orbital space with other objects)According to the IAU: Celestial bodies that orbit the Sun, are round due to their own gravity, and have cleared the neighborhood around their orbit
SizeSmaller than planets, but can be quite large (e.g., Pluto is larger than some moons)Range in size, from Mercury (the smallest planet) to Jupiter (the largest)
CompositionVaried; Rock, ice, metal, depending on formation processPrimarily rock, gas, or ice giants depending on size and distance from the Sun
AtmosphereSome may have thin atmospheres (e.g., Pluto has a tenuous nitrogen atmosphere that freezes out seasonally)Most planets have atmospheres, with vast variations in composition and thickness
Surface FeaturesCan have craters, mountains, icy plains depending on compositionCan have diverse surface features like volcanoes, mountains, canyons, polar ice caps, depending on composition and internal heat
Magnetic FieldNo known dwarf planets have magnetic fieldsMost planets have magnetic fields generated by internal motion of molten cores (exceptions: Mercury, Venus)
OrbitCan have circular or elliptical orbits around the SunElliptical orbits around the Sun
Number in our Solar SystemCurrently five recognized dwarf planets: Ceres, Pluto, Eris, Haumea, MakemakeEight recognized planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

Difference between Dwarf Planets and Moons:

Dwarf Planets Vs. Moons

FeatureDwarf PlanetsMoons
DefinitionCelestial bodies orbiting the Sun, round due to their own gravity, but haven’t cleared the neighborhood around their orbitNatural satellites orbiting planets or dwarf planets
OrbitElliptical orbits around the SunCircular or elliptical orbits around a host planet or dwarf planet
SizeSmaller than planets, but can be quite large (e.g., Pluto is larger than some moons)Range in size, from tiny dust particles to larger than some planets (e.g., Ganymede, Titan)
CompositionVaried; Rock, ice, metal, depending on formation processVaried; Rock, ice, metal, depending on formation process
AtmosphereSome may have thin atmospheres (e.g., Pluto has a tenuous nitrogen atmosphere that freezes out seasonally)Some moons have thin atmospheres (e.g., Titan), most have none
Surface FeaturesCan have craters, mountains, icy plains depending on compositionCan have craters, volcanoes, canyons, icy plains depending on composition
Magnetic FieldNo known dwarf planets have magnetic fieldsOnly a few large moons have weak magnetic fields (e.g., Ganymede)
FormationVaried theories; Capture from passing objects, formation from debris along with the planet, collision eventsVaried theories; Capture from passing objects, formation from debris along with the host celestial body, collision events
Number in our Solar SystemCurrently five recognized dwarf planets: Ceres, Pluto, Eris, Haumea, MakemakeHundreds of moons orbiting planets and dwarf planets


Dwarf planets, once considered an anomaly, are now recognized as a vital component of our solar system, offering a window into its early formation and the diversity of celestial bodies.

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